Monday, July 29, 2013

Hello there Family | week 43

Hey hey hey! It's monday again!

It sounds like you guys had an amazing week in Utah! What a blast! We will defintitely have to go back. I love that place. You guys were in the same state as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your adventures and pictures and everything look awesome. Everyone looks so good! All the cousins are growing up, it is crazy! I loved all the pictures. My week was a little bit different than your guys' but it was probably just as amazing in a different way ;) That is sad to hear about Grandpa Cahoon. I had no idea that his health wasn't doing well. My prayers will be with him. I love grandpa so much. It is sad to hear that he is struggling.

That is so crazy to think about our family having to have family vacations soon. It is crazy how fast things are changing, life is flying by. The mission is flying by as well. This week I will hit my 10 month mark!!! What is going on!!!! It is too fast!!!

As for this week. It was awesome. R got baptized on saturdayday. It was amazing. The spirit was so strong. He was the main focus of our week this week. Getting him fully prepared. I got to baptize him which was so cool. I will never forget it. He has truly seen and felt a complete change in his life. Much of the week was spent trying to get all of that ready to go. Satan worked very very very hard on R. He has faced trials at every stage of this process, and this week was crazy for him. I cannot really go into them, but let's just say it stressed me out haha. As with life, the Savior always wins. Good always prevails. I am so grateful for the spirit and for the priesthood and for the peace that this gospel brings. I have seen firsthand how it is a true power, when it is used in righteousness and obedience. It has been a true miracle to be a part of this with him. Moments like this are what make everything we do and sacrifice worth it. The journey we have had with him has been crazy haha. I couldn't stop smiling the whole baptism, it made me so happy. The worth of souls truly is great in the sight of God. As we were getting changed after the baptism he told me all about how wonderful he feels and kept asking me how long it will be until he can go to the temple. 2 days before his baptism, we had a miracle. We had planned a whole lesson to teach him about the atonement. Many times the Lord has a different plan, thankfully. We went and taught him and ended up teaching about something totally different. We taught him about the unity of the scriptures. How the Book of Mormon, Bible and Doctrine and Covenants all fit together. I really don't even know how it happened. When we finished Roger stopped us. He said that he had been doubting his choice to be baptized all day. He then told us that what we had just taught him was a direct answer to his prayer and that he no longer had any doubts. There is nothing quite like being part of that.

Ig is also doing really well. He is going to get baptized this coming Saturday as well. I am so excited about him. He is an awesome kid. I have come to love him so much. He is so prepared, and so excited to be a part of this church. The Lord is blessing us so much here. It has been an amazing 4 months that I have spent here in Nogales. I feel like I am coming full circle with Ignacio. He was one of the first people I found and taught here.

We had interviews with President Killpack this week. I love being able to talk with him. I always come away feeling even more hopeful and filled with faith. He always has so much wisdom to share, and it helps me alot. 

The missionaries also taught mutual this week to all the young men and women. It was really fun. Missionary work is so awesome to to teach people about. The youth are the future of this work.

I got some other wonderful news! E, my investigator from Duncan got baptized!!! I will send you the pictures of him and the missionaries. Elder R my MTC comp is there. There is nothing better than hearing that kind of news.

I thought of you this week mom, when one night Elder G went around and turned off all the lights I had turned on in our apt. haha. He asked me why I always turn on all the lights. I started cracking up picturing what you would say. Guess what, some things never change, I still turn on all the lights ;)

It has been a wonderful week here. I am excited for the coming one as well. The Lord has blessed us so much. This truly is the greatest work in the world. I am loving it. Every once in a while I have a day where I am just straight up exhausted. The mission field is truly a marathon of spiritual, mental, and physical strength. Every once in a while it all catches up to me. I have felt the strength of the Lord to keep going, even when I am tired. He truly directs this work. 

Thank you for your package!! I loved it. I loved all of it. Thank you so much. All of the chocolate melted, but I froze it and ate it haha

The weather here has been awesome. The monsoons storms are my best friend they cool everything down :)

Thank your for your prayers and thoughts. I think of you all often. I love you guys. I love my whole family so much. Just last night we were teaching R about families and how the gospel blesses families. I shared with him and I meant every word, that you mom and dad are my heroes. You have taught me how to have a happy family. I am so grateful for that. 

This is probably my last week in Nogales. There is probably a 95% chance that I will be coming to you from a new place next week. We have transfer calls next Sunday. I have loved it here, I have learned so much. I really have no idea what will happen this transfer with me. This is the first time where I had really no idea, so it will be fun to find out!

Here is a quote that I love
“God loves us. He is watching us. He wants us to succeed. We will know some day that He has not left one thing undone for the eternal welfare of each of us. If we only knew it, heavenly hosts are pulling for us—friends in heaven that we cannot now remember who yearn for our victory. This is our day to show what we can do—what life and sacrifice we can daily, hourly, instantly make for God. If we give our all, we will get His all from the greatest of all.”

I truly know that all of that is true. I know it.

Thank you for your love and support. I couldn't do this without you guys. 


Elder Hughes (or Taylor) whatever you prefer :)

PS as for birthday stuff. I am going to have to give it some thought. You know how bad I am at thinking of things I want haha. I promise that I will think of some things before next week :)

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